Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registry
Check Request Home
Card Image New Self Check

New Central Registry Self-Check

Do NOT use this link if an organization or business sent you an invitation. Use the link emailed to you to complete the Central Registry check.

Click here to start a new Central Registry self-check. This process checks if your name appears on the Nebraska Child and/or Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registries.

Start Self-Check
Card Image Check Results

Continue Central Registry Check / View Result

Click here to continue your Central Registry check or view the results of a previously submitted check. This requires a request number and your selected PIN.

Continue Check
Card Image Switch to Expungements


Click here to switch to the Expungement Request site. If you are unsure if your name is on the Central Registry, a Central Registry check should be completed before submitting an Expungement request.

Expungement Request
Card Image Help


Click here to find help, tutorials, and videos on how to use the Children and Family Services Portal. Also click here for support information including contact information.
