Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registry
Check Request Home

New Check Request

DHHS charges a fee in order to process a Central Registry check.
  • DHHS Central Registry check fee: $2.50
  • Online Identity Verification fee: $1.00
  • Online payment processing fee: $1.50
Fees are payable online by credit/debit card or electronic check (ACH). Fees will be listed as “DHHS Central Reg Check”.
  • Enter an email address to receive important updates and confirmation emails regarding your Central Registry Check
  • Get back into your Central Registry Check at any time once you’ve started by following these steps:
    1. Go to the Portal
    2. Click the tile called Continue Check Request/View Results
    3. Enter your Request # and 4 digit PIN
Do not use a mobile device for this request. This can lead to checks not being submitted accurately.

Card image cap

Begin Check

  1. Pick a 4 digit number
  2. Write your PIN down
  3. PIN cannot be sequential numbers or repeating #s (ex: 1234 or 1111)
